Pregnancy Heartburn & Indigestion
Dawn White Dawn White

Pregnancy Heartburn & Indigestion

Have you suffered from pregnancy related heartburn or indigestion? With all of your organs being squished, kicked and slowed down, it can be truly uncomfortable. It is usually an issue that starts creeping up more and more during the second and third trimester as your uterus grows, giving less and less space to your other organs.

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Pregnancy Dreams
Courtney Willoughby Courtney Willoughby

Pregnancy Dreams

Although pregnancy dreams can be a funny, realistic escape from reality (I had a lot of good laughs over my squirrel baby) there are studies showing that pregnant people can have over twice as many “bad” dreams than their non-pregnant counterparts.

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The Dreaded Glucose Test
Dawn White Dawn White

The Dreaded Glucose Test

Why is it so dreaded? This test really should not be looked at as your enemy, this is an important screening tool for you and baby. Gestational diabetes can be dangerous for both of you and it is typically for reasons out of your control.

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