Reflect, Release, and Set Intentions: An End-of-the-Year Full Moon Practice for New Parents in 2024
Dawn White Dawn White

Reflect, Release, and Set Intentions: An End-of-the-Year Full Moon Practice for New Parents in 2024

The arrival of a new baby is a fundamental shift in your life, there is not a single space that it does not touch. As you look back on the whirlwind of 2024, it’s easy to feel as though the year has been a blur of sleepless nights, baby cuddles, and new routines. But as the year draws to a close, the full moon offers a unique opportunity for reflection, letting go, and setting intentions for the journey ahead.

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End-of-Year Full Moon Ritual for Expecting Parents
Dawn White Dawn White

End-of-Year Full Moon Ritual for Expecting Parents

As the year draws to a close, the full moon presents a perfect opportunity for reflection, renewal, and connection. It's a time to pause and reflect on the journey that has brought you to this point, while also setting clear intentions for the future, especially with the exciting new chapter that awaits.

In this post, we’ll guide you through a meaningful end-of-the-year full moon ritual designed specifically for expecting parents.

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Reflect, Renew, and Connect: A Family End-of-Year Full Moon Ritual 2024
Dawn White Dawn White

Reflect, Renew, and Connect: A Family End-of-Year Full Moon Ritual 2024

As the year comes to a close, the full moon offers the perfect opportunity for reflection, renewal, and connection. It’s a time to pause and appreciate where we’ve been while looking ahead with clear intentions.

In this post, we’ll guide you through a family end-of-year full moon ritual designed to bring everyone together, foster meaningful conversations, and set a positive tone for the year ahead. This practice encourages open dialogue among family members, creating an

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SneakPeek Gender Tests: Clinical vs. Snap Test– Which One is Right for You?
Dawn White Dawn White

SneakPeek Gender Tests: Clinical vs. Snap Test– Which One is Right for You?

Discovering your baby’s gender is one of the most exciting milestones of pregnancy, and thanks to SneakPeek, you don’t have to wait for the anatomy scan to find out! At North Alabama Newborn Nurse, we offer two incredible options for early gender determination: SneakPeek Clinical and SneakPeek Snap Test. Both are 99.9% accurate, but they cater to different preferences. Let’s explore what makes each one unique so you can decide which is best for you!

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How to Choose Safe Baby Products: What Every Parent Should Know
Dawn White Dawn White

How to Choose Safe Baby Products: What Every Parent Should Know

As a parent, keeping your baby safe is always a top priority, and choosing the right products plays a huge role in that. From cribs to car seats, toys to electronics, every item your baby uses should meet safety standards. With so many options on the market, it can feel overwhelming. Don’t worry—we’ve got you covered! Here are essential tips to help you choose safe baby products with confidence.

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The Ultimate Guide to Safe Sleep for Babies
Dawn White Dawn White

The Ultimate Guide to Safe Sleep for Babies

As parents, ensuring that our little ones sleep safely is one of our top priorities. With so much information out there, it can be overwhelming to know exactly what steps to take to create a safe sleep environment for your baby. We’ll break down the essentials to help you set up a sleep space that not only promotes restful nights but also keeps your baby safe and sound.

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Minimizing Waste, Maximizing Nutrition: The Importance of Right-Sized Breastmilk Storage!
Dawn White Dawn White

Minimizing Waste, Maximizing Nutrition: The Importance of Right-Sized Breastmilk Storage!

As we embark on the journey of nurturing your little ones, we understand that every drop of breastmilk is liquid gold, holding immeasurable benefits for your precious baby. Today, let's delve into a crucial aspect of breastfeeding – the importance of storing breastmilk in amounts that your baby consumes or less. This means, if your baby typically drinks 2-3 oz, store in 2-3oz bags, don't just put all the milk from 1 pumping session into 1 bag.

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Empowering Motherhood: A Tribute to Moms on International Women's Day
Dawn White Dawn White

Empowering Motherhood: A Tribute to Moms on International Women's Day

As the world comes together to celebrate International Women's Day, we take this moment to shine a spotlight on the unsung heroes of every household – mothers. In the intricate tapestry of womanhood, your role as a mother is both profound and transformative. Today, we want to extend our heartfelt appreciation to the incredible moms navigating the intricate journey of postpartum and caring for newborns.

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Postpartum Tip: Don't forget to pee!
Dawn White Dawn White

Postpartum Tip: Don't forget to pee!

On this edition of "Things they don't tell you about birth and postpartum".... let's talk about postpartum pee...

After giving birth, more than likely you will quickly start to get a lot of questions and encouragement from nurses to use the toilet. Along with wearing diapers, it can start to feel like you are are being potty trained all over again! In some sense.. there can be some bladder re-training that needs to happen, but mostly, we just want to make sure everything is working properly and that it continues to work properly.

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Turning Newborn Snuggles Into Mindfulness
Dawn White Dawn White

Turning Newborn Snuggles Into Mindfulness

The benefits of mindful meditation has been all the rage in the past several years. There are endless studies and personal testimony of mental and physical improvements with the implementation of a mindfulness practice. As a parent of an infant, it can be difficult to feel like you have any time to yourself, let alone even entertain the idea of beginning or continuing a mindfulness practice.

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5 S's to Soothe Baby
Dawn White Dawn White

5 S's to Soothe Baby

It is typical for young infants to get fussy in the evening, sometimes referred to as "the witching hour." Their enormous pace of mental and physical development takes a toll on them and are often clingy and upset after a long day of intense stimulation.

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Preventing Newborn Falls & Drops
Dawn White Dawn White

Preventing Newborn Falls & Drops

Newborn Falls & Drops are uncommon, but they do happen. The best way to avoid these accidents is to be aware of the risk factors to know when to be extra cautious. This discussion is focused on newborns still in the hospital, but the information can be carried to home as well.

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Baby's Second Night (dun, dun, dunnnn)
Dawn White Dawn White

Baby's Second Night (dun, dun, dunnnn)

As a Mother/Baby (postpartum) Nurse working overnight in the hospital, I have had countless calls from parents of newborns during their second night of life thinking there is something wrong with their baby. Their baby who was content and slept all day yesterday is now awake all night, fussy, can't be put down and has been acting hungry all night. The reaction I get from first-time breastfeeding parents is usually concern that their baby is obviously hungry and they must not have any milk!

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Postpartum Abdominal Changes
Dawn White Dawn White

Postpartum Abdominal Changes

The postpartum belly undergoes arguably the most drastic and abrupt physical change the human body endures. The pregnant uterus spends 9 months stretching skin, ligaments, muscles and squishing organs. By 36 weeks of pregnancy your uterus is at it’s highest point at the sternum, tucked up close under the ribcage.

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Safe Infant Formula Preparation and Handling
Dawn White Dawn White

Safe Infant Formula Preparation and Handling

With all the talk about formula safety, here’s a quick rundown on proper preparation. Powdered formula isn’t sterile, so the WHO recommends mixing it with water at least 70°C (158°F) to kill bacteria, especially for high-risk infants. If making bottles ahead, store them in the fridge for up to 24 hours or keep them cold in a cooler when on the go.

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Entering the Third Trimester
Dawn White Dawn White

Entering the Third Trimester

What to expect in the third trimester? Lots of growing! Baby gains about half of their birth weight in this last trimester!

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Pregnancy Heartburn & Indigestion
Dawn White Dawn White

Pregnancy Heartburn & Indigestion

Have you suffered from pregnancy related heartburn or indigestion? With all of your organs being squished, kicked and slowed down, it can be truly uncomfortable. It is usually an issue that starts creeping up more and more during the second and third trimester as your uterus grows, giving less and less space to your other organs.

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Pregnancy Dreams
Courtney Willoughby Courtney Willoughby

Pregnancy Dreams

Although pregnancy dreams can be a funny, realistic escape from reality (I had a lot of good laughs over my squirrel baby) there are studies showing that pregnant people can have over twice as many “bad” dreams than their non-pregnant counterparts.

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